The Correct Way To Juice

     Today, we’re going to talk about Juicing. I chose this topic today, because I’ve been getting several questions about it lately. Now, I’ll start with what the difference is between smoothies and juices, for anyone who doesn’t know. 

Detox Your Way To Success

     Today, we’re going to talk about detoxing. Now, this is a huge subject, and there are many things to talk about, but while I will do my best to make it simple to understand, today’s blog post could be a bit longer and more scientific. But it’s so fascinating! 

Men’s Health

       As promised to you last week, today we are going to talk about men’s health. There are a lot of factors that go into it, so we’re going to discuss the best strategies to optimize your health and and make you feel amazing. 

What Is Auriculotherapy?

       Most people, myself included not that long ago, have never even heard of Auriculotherapy. What is it? Why is it important? And more importantly, why would it be of benefit to me? Today, we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to discuss Auriculotherapy and its' benefits, and why you should try it at least once in your life. 


   Today’s topic is autoimmunity. I know so many people have this problem, and that it is growing more and more common everyday. We will discuss what causes autoimmunity, and how you can help it. Buckle up!