Most people, myself included not that long ago, have never even heard of Auriculotherapy. What is it? Why is it important? And more importantly, why would it be of benefit to me? Today, we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to discuss Auriculotherapy and its’ benefits, and why you should try it at least once in your life.
Auriculotherapy is a medical science that has been around for thousands of years, despite it seeming like a new science now. Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of specific points on the ear in order to have a therapeutic effect elsewhere in the body. You see, the ear is actually an incredible microsystem of the body. There are over two hundred points on your ear that correspond to other parts of your body. Pretty cool right? Such a tiny body part, that relates to the entire body. It’s similar with the foot. Some, or most of you may have heard of Reflexology. That’s basically what Auriculotherapy is. Think of it as Reflexology on the foot. It’s also a fascinating science for those of us who love digging into that kind of stuff!
When a point on the ear is stimulated, it sends out a signal to your brain, which in turn sends out signals to the designated body part you placed the seed on, to begin the healing process. The points are right on top of your nerves. Activating the points sends the neurons to your brain to signal the healing process. Isn’t that fascinating?
Before I go any further into how Auriculotherapy works, you’re probably wondering exactly what I use to stimulate the points on your ear. Well, rest assured, I’m not going to be sticking needles into your ear. This is a form of acupuncture, but it isn’t actually fully acupuncture. What I use are tiny seeds from the vaccarian plant. They’re small enough that they fit the point perfectly, and hard enough that when you press down on them throughout the day to apply the needed pressure to activate the healing process, they won’t smash. Because, they are still seeds. Typically, they will stay on for three to five days. If they are still on after a week, you’ll want to take them off to give your ears a day or two to rest from them. What makes them stick is what I like to describe as basically a tiny bandaid. It feels to me like the same kind of material, and looks about the same too. Unless you do the crystal ear seeds, in which case they have an entirely different look. Either way, you want to give your ears a break in between placing of ear seeds, just like when you put a bandaid on a cut, you don’t intend to leave it there forever. And rest assured, ear seeds are perfectly safe. The worst thing that could happen with them, is they get knocked into your ear canal if you are messing with them. A doctor can remove it easily for you, but because of this, children under five or six years old are not given ear seeds.
As I said before, Auriculotherapy is not a new science. It has been around for several thousand years. Records of it have been found in medical records at various parts of the world, including the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine. These records show that Auriculotherapy goes as far back as four thousand years ago.
People used Auriculotherapy even in Ancient Egypt. Women would cauterize their ears or prick them to prevent pregnancy. And, while I don’t know if this is true or not, there is discussion that sailors wore those gold earrings to improve their vision. It is possible, since where most ear piercings are placed is the vision point of the ear.
The World Health Organization has stated that the ear is perhaps the most studied microsystem in the body. It has been found to be able to treat a variety of conditions, when the right points are stimulated. You can do Auriculotherapy yourself, there are kits that you can buy to do it, but it helps if you know what you’re doing. Otherwise, you may not get any benefits. Stimulating the wrong points won’t harm you, but it won’t do anything to benefit you.
Auriculotherapy is a fascinating science to me, and filled with so many possibilites. But I hope that this post explained what exactly it is to you, so that you can decide if it is best for you. I recommend you try it at least once and see what you think. It has been found to help with so many things, almost anything that you can think of. Almost. If you have any further questions about this, feel free to message me to ask. I’d love to answer any questions that you might have on the matter. Have a wonderful day! Thank you.