About Me

My Story

   I always wanted to be a stay at home, homeschool mom, and now I can be. I love making things from scratch, and I love learning new things and sharing them with others. I first got my love for research and DIY from my mother, Jennifer Bobeng, who also homeschooled me. She made a lot of things from scratch, and got me interested in herbs and essential oils. I later became very addicted to health and fitness, becoming a health coach and a personal trainer. I also took time becoming certified in CBD, studying herbalism and aromatherapy. Sadly, due to the Covid pandemic I was never able to make a business out of it. Now I just share my knowledge and use the knowledge I gained to better my family’s health and my own. I attribute a lot of healthy living and staying fit to managing with pregnancy and a more difficult delivery of my first baby. According to my midwife, if I hadn’t been fit and healthy, I would have been transferred to the hospital due to exhaustion and complications. 

     I always keep myself busy learning as many new things as I can. I am currently always studying more on finances, and more specifically right now, the stock market. I also am trying to teach myself ASL so I can teach my children as they grow up. Their little brains are so absorbent when they’re this new, now’s the best time to introduce a second language! So you might see some tips on that on this blog too! 

    My husband and I prefer to live life on a budget rather than extravagant so we can save our money faster and move out of state soon and have our very own farm. We both love our adventures together, hiking, rock climbing, biking, roller coasters, sky diving, bungee jumping, We intend to have our children join us for these adventures together as they grow old enough for them. As a result for living our lives more frugally, I have a hobby of studying up on saving money, financial planning, economics, studying the stock market, and finding ways to save money in any area that I can. I will post my research on here for others to enjoy and look at. There will be all kinds of areas of study on this website; finances, DIY, health, fitness, child rearing, pregnancy and childbirth, farming, as well as our family adventures. We intend to have many kids together, and are currently planning on six of our own, as well as adopting/fostering those in need once we have our farm so they have room to grow. Welcome to the family, and have a terrific day! God bless you!