With New Years Resolutions right around the corner, one question that is a really good one is what our topic for today will be. Do I really need a professional? I mean, there’s all that information out there. You can go to the bookstore and pick up a book on health and fitness, or even stay home and buy or borrow an ebook on the subject. You can buy a set of workout dvds and start working out at home, or you can buy a gym membership a membership that will surround you with people who will keep you motivated. You can go the the store and buy the healthy foods and clear out your pantry. You can do all the right things to get into shape, and you may even jump into the resolution full force. But what happens after a couple of weeks? After a couple of months?
Well, those books that you bought just lay around gathering dust because they’re dull and you don’t really have time to pour over them anyway. It turns out, health is a lot more complicated than you thought, and there’s a lot more information that you can take in. So the books lay around and you keep yourself busy with doing more important things in your home. After all, when is the job of a homemaker over?
And that healthy food ends up sitting in the pantry or on the counter going bad. Why? Because it isn’t always quick and easy. Fast food you can pick up on your way home from work. After all, there’s several at any stop you make, and some that are right off of a freeway exit. Maybe you can even see one from your house. And you might not enjoy the taste of some of those boring recipes that you find of how to make a spinach and kale omelet, and would much rather have a tall stack of pancakes dripping with syrup, with crispy bacon and eggs on the side.
That gym membership you bought? All that workout equipment that you could have sitting in your home? Well, who would have expected such a hard week at work? It was a long day, customers complaining, your boss was yelling at you, and you feel you barely made it home. The last thing that you want to do is pick up some weights and start tearing and building muscle. So you tell yourself you’ll do it later when you have time and aren’t so tired.
So as time passes, your New Years Resolution fades into the background, and you fall back into your old habits, feeling depressed at another failed year to get in shape, and plan to do better next year. You are not alone in this. Everyone struggles with this. So don’t think that it’s only you. But this is why there are professionals. For accountability, and for support.
Health Coaches help you keep track of your diet and your lifestyle. If you have difficulty trying to remember what contains gluten and what grains are bad for what, what has phytic acid and what has the omega 3s that you need, that’s where the Health Coaches help. They answer your questions, push you to take the next step, and praise your efforts and your results. It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about learning discipline and being proud of your achievements.
A Personal Trainer will help you with your fitness. (Obviously) It is hard to stick to a workout program. Especially if it isn’t fun. Who cares if it’s grueling and you may or may not see results from it? If it isn’t something that you can enjoy and look forward to, then you’re going to sit in your car after work and think up reasons not to go to the gym. Personal Trainers help make it fun, and make it unique to you. They work with you to help you get in the best shape of your life, and will help with your form and any injuries that you may or may not have. You broke your arm? Guess what! You can still work your other arm, your legs, your back, and your abdomen. Broke your legs and are stuck in a wheelchair? You can still work your abdomen and your arms and shoulders. There’s always something you can do. And if you schedule an appointment with a trainer and decide not to show up, they’re going to call you and ask where you are. Plus, if you are paying for help with something, you are more likely to keep it going so that you get your money’s worth.
This is why it’s important to have a professional with you. You can ask questions, get the help you need, stay accountable, and have fun. I guarantee you, we love celebrating your accomplishments. It is so exciting for us to see our clients reach their goals, one step at a time.
Plus, you can get your family involved too. Build the excitement towards your goals. Help keep each other accountable. You can take private sessions with a trainer or a Health Coach, or you can take group sessions to save money. There’s all kinds of things that can be done, you just have to have the mindset to do them.
Mindset is a powerful factor. If you get the right mindset in place, you’ll get far in life. If you make smart goals and work for them, you’ll amaze yourself at how far you can go. Giving yourself the proper motivation will get you started, but it will only get you so far. After you run out of motivation, (and I guarantee you will) discipline will be what keeps you going. But how do you get discipline? Well, you either are really good about sticking to what you say you’re going to do and don’t need accountability to keep going, or you get a professional to keep you going and provide accountability. There is a saying, motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.
I try to do my workouts in the morning, before I’m worn out for the day. That’s not always possible in which case I workout in the evening. I don’t see that as a bad thing though. After all, switching things around is actually good for your body, and keeps it guessing. If you get into a completely regular routine, your body gets comfortable, relaxing even during the workouts because it expects them. But if you mix things up, intermittent fast some days, eat earlier on others, workout in the mornings on some days, and in the evenings on others, your body will constantly be guessing and will have to work harder to try to keep up. This is extremely beneficial to your body, and helps with weight loss as well.
I hope that today’s blog post answered your question on whether or not it was worthwhile to hire a professional. But I can definitely tell you that it is. Plus, everyone needs support during these difficult times right now. A lot of businesses are closing because of Covid, 24 Hour Fitness has lost gyms due to bankruptcy because of Covid. If you have friends or family, or even find someone who can offer professional services to you that will help you, know that you will be helping them too.
Let’s ring off this New Year with more than resolutions. Let’s have some change and positivity, and not have a repeat of 2020. We can accomplish so much, so let’s go out and do that! God bless you all, Happy New Year, and keep your goals and achievements high!