I first came to enjoy learning about health, fitness, and DIY from my mother, who was an extreme lover of making her own things and keeping us healthy all of my life. I was very blessed to have her as an amazing role model growing up, and I learned everything that I could from her. She and my father also homeschooled me, so I grew to have a great appreciation for the homeschool life and planned to homeschool my own children someday. My mother taught me sewing, crocheting, embroidery, cooking, baking, housework, and both of my parents instilled a love of learning in me. As a result, anytime in my life that something comes up that I want to know more about, I just look it up. I am also very good at self-teaching due to this hobby. Researching almost anything is a passion of mine now.
I moved out of my parent’s house when I was twenty and began making my own home. Shortly after I moved out, I met the love of my life. My husband Paul, a good Godly man, strong, capable, and a lovable dork. Not to mention handsome. We pretty quickly decided that we were the right ones for each other, and we set the date and got married. My husband owned a hauling and tree trimming business, and I spent every day helping him with his work as well as taking care of our house. I was very glad for the opportunity, it helped me to understand my husband’s business better. And I could help him in areas that he was not good at keeping up. (Like scheduling) And I have to admit, I loved the amazed looks that I got from the clients who couldn’t believe that a young woman could do such hard labor. (And it was hard!) It also saved us money in the long run so he didn’t have to hire employees to help him at the time, as I could do the same amount of work almost anyone he hired could.
We knew we wanted to have lots of kids, and we wanted to start soon. We left it up to God, and within two months of being married, found out I was one month pregnant. Once we found out I was carrying our baby, my husband told me that I should stop doing heavy lifting at his work as he didn’t want me to overtax my body or harm our baby. So I became a stay at home wife. As I always have to stay busy, my husband “tasked me” with the job of learning everything I could about being a mom. And so I read every book I could get my hands on during my pregnancy. I watched videos, documentaries, listened to experts, and took notes. I spent time sewing blankets and diaper bags for my coming daughter. I made herbal salves for postpartum, and essential oil blends that were supposed to help with the birthing process, and I kept busy.
Fast forward nine months, and my husband and I had our baby girl, Cassandra. I did a home birth, unmedicated after a ton of research, knowing it was the better option for us. My family thought I was crazy for wanting to give birth to a baby with no medication. And honestly, when I was in labor I thought I must have been crazy too! It took fourteen hours, but it was worth it. Cassie came out healthy, happy, and muscular, which surprised me. Perhaps it’s because of all the protein I constantly ate during my pregnancy.
We are both very excited that we are now parents, and as Cassie has gotten bigger, I still spend my time researching, learning, budgeting, and watching her grow. And my parents are beyond excited to be grandparents. They adore Cassie! Since I love sharing my knowledge with people, and I love accumulating knowledge, I decided to create a blog to share what I learn and create over time, and to share our family adventures! If there is anything specific you would like to see on the blog, feel free to email me at daydreamer2000@icloud.com. And I’ll be sure to put up a blog post in answer to it! God bless you!