The title of this blog post alone sounds like an adventure, doesn’t it! I’ve been researching the stock market for awhile now to learn more about it. I’ve been investing in stock long term since I was eighteen. Mainly Apple Stock. But I’ve started branching out a bit. I thought about looking into day trading and began researching it.
Now the way I research, I read books, take notes, watch videos or movies either on youtube or any other platform it offers it. I listen to podcasts and really try to understand it. I’ve also been going onto Facebook and looking at experienced traders and seeing their tips and advice. I got the clever idea to look the stock market up on TikTok and found a lot of information on there too.
One of the people I followed reached out to contact me, asking how much I knew, what I was interested in, and in other words, made conversation about it. I chatted back and forth online, as he seemed so eager to give advice, and wanted nothing in return. Most people would think: “Hey, watch out! This must be a scam!” And while the thought did occur to me, I didn’t think he was one simply because he had a huge youtube channel and a lot of followers that sang his praises continuously. So, with reservation, I listened to his advice. He advised me on how to use BitCoin and how to put it into an account and start buying and selling. He showed me how to make the money I put in, (cautious, I only put in $100) and it grew up to $800! I was so excited and eager to help my husband with saving for out farm that we want to get. I showed him what had been accomplished, and he got excited too.
Paul jumped on his computer pretty quickly and asked what the website was so he could look into it too. We like to make just about everything a competition between us. I told him it was spotsmarket.com. He looked it up eagerly. Only problem was, he couldn’t find. I had been sent a direct link to it. Paul looked around for a bit, checking his spelling to see if he got it right, but he still couldn’t find it. Finally, he looked it up on ScamAdviser. It came up as a scam website. This company had stolen about nine billion dollars from people over the years.
Paul counted the $100 as a loss and said it was a good learning experience, and we would just be more careful next time. The scam artists are certainly getting more clever and making it more believing all the time. I wasn’t going to give up, however. I told Paul that it was my mistake, and I was going to fix it.
I’d love to take the credit for getting the $100 back, which we did, but it was actually Paul’s idea to trick the guy. He messaged us, with no idea we’d figured out the scam, saying (of course) that he needed more money to complete it. Because he couldn’t raise it any higher, and we “couldn’t sell” until we reached a certain level. We messaged him back, saying we were more than happy to drop 10K into this account to grow the account even more, but just to verify that it wasn’t a scam, even though he seemed like a trustworthy guy, we needed half of the money transferred back to our account. So if it had gone that way exactly, we would have made $300 out of the skirmish.
After a lot of complaining that he wouldn’t scam us and a whole lot of nonsense, he finally sends the money. But only… guess how much? $101. So yay! I made a dollar out of the experience. 😂 He was really going for that $10K though. He kept messaging us that he was sorry that we didn’t get the $400. He couldn’t figure out why… etc. etc. 😂
Paul blocked him and we reported the website as a scam. However, neither of us actually think that this YouTuber is the actual scammer. We think he was either hacked or someone was impersonating him. Because he had too many success stories and had too big of a business to be a scammer. He’d have been found out by now. Because this guy had been doing it for awhile.
I tried reaching out to the actual guy to let him know, but I don’t know if he found out or not. One of the accounts of his that I reached out to assured me that “it wasn’t him.” And, “Would I like to make some easy money? He’d show me how to trade! All I had to do was put money in an account he’d send to me…” 😂
So that was an adventure and a rollercoaster to be on. But we got the money back, learned where not to go, and learned to check websites on ScamAdviser first. What a week!
But on happier, more exciting news: Cassie has started rolling over from her tummy to her back! Yay! Only three months old now and she’s already so impressive!
I’ll keep everyone posted as we look into the Day Trading exercise, and see how things go with it. Once I have it figured out, if people want, I’ll be more than happy to share what I learn with all of you.
Anything you all would like to see on here, or learn about, let me know! I’m happy to share! God bless you!