Fun On The Bosu

   You will need a Bosu for this workout. The Bosu is a wonderful piece of equipment that is just a lot of fun to have, helps work the core, stabilization muscles, gets your heart rate up, and gets your…

Fat Annihilation

    Today is a Bodyweight workout, so you don’t have to worry about any equipment. No description today because there are many different movements in this workout meant to target the entire body. You are going to work, you’re…

Arm & Ab Burn

This is heavy weight, advanced upper body workout! I recommend a variety of weights for this workout, so go to where you feel comfortable, and then challenge yourself. This is a workout, not a nap. So let’s go!  Dumbbell zottman…

Ab Destroyer

    This workout is designed to target your entire core and activate it for maximum benefit and results! This is by no means easy, it is an advanced workout. Keep that in mind when you select this workout, and modify…

Total Body Demolition

    This’ll be a fun one! Lots of exercises to keep your muscles guessing at what comes next, and to keep you entertained with lots of variety. I personally love the workouts with tons of different exercises. Even if…

Lower Body Fire

     All legs today! We’re going to fire them up, it’s only ten minutes after all. So grab a chair if your balance is tricky, so you have something to hold onto. (Even if you have good balance, as…

Join The Games

   Lots of fun in this one! Get yourself psyched up, because this is not going to be easy. You’re going to get your heart rate up, every muscle in your body fired up, and a good sweat flowing! This…

Glute Builder

    We all want those glutes fired up and shown off, but to get there you’ve got to work them! So this workout will get them fired up, build them up for you, and make you automatically feel amazing!…