Today, we are going to talk about how to accelerate the recovery process from your workout so that you can enjoy your time more without worry over your sore muscles. While it is true that sore muscles after a workout is sooo satisfying, you’re still sore, and you don’t really want to stay that way. So, we’re going to go into ways to accelerate the recovery process. Are you ready? Here we go!
Stretching is extremely important for your muscles. If you don’t stretch out the muscles after you work them, they will get tight and cause pain in other parts of your body. They can also cramp if they are not properly stretched out.
Take the time to find a good stretching routine, either with an instructor, or do your own, but make sure you know what you’re doing if you do it yourself. You can injure yourself by stretching if you don’t know how to do it safely. I recommend getting an expert to help you, or following a video. This will stretch out your tight muscles and make the healing process go better.
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy:
This will also help with the recovery process. Find a Deep Tissue Massage Therapy who will help massage all the sore muscles and any other places that will also help. I will warn you though, Deep Tissue Massage is not a regular massage. This is likely to be more on the painful side rather than relaxing, but getting that deep is extremely beneficial to your body.
Infared Sauna:
This is one that you can do if you have the option, but it’s not required. This will also help benefit you with the recovery process.
Fasting is beneficial for your entire body, giving your body a break from all the food you’re pouring into it, and letting it catch up on the other things it needs to work on. And, it helps with workout recovery. If you want more information on fasting, I do have a blog post on it here; Should I do Intermittent Fasting?
Anti-Inflammatory Diet:
This is a must for recovery. If you are feeding your body all kinds of junk, than it’s not going to have the proper fuel it needs to recover properly. Eat plenty of high quality fruits and vegetables, good meat, and good dairy. Eighty percent of your plate should be vegetables. The other twenty percent of your place can be meat, dairy, or fruit. Make sure you have some kind of high quality fat with your produce. The human body has a difficult time digesting produce without it, and it’s more than likely that if you don’t have a good fat with it, then you won’t get all the benefits. It’s not hard to do. Have avocado on your salad, or add some eggs or cheese. Eggs and cheese offer protein as well. Meat does as well. I love avocado because I eat a higher fat, lower carbohydrate diet. I’m not quite Keto, but I’m closer to that.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C does more than just boost your immune system. It can also help with post-workout recovery. You can take it as a supplement, or you can get it in citrus fruits.
Amino Acids:
Amino Acids are also really beneficial for healing your body after a workout. Take them before your workout daily, and it’ll help your body recover faster. I will warn you though, they don’t taste very good, but they work great!
Fish Oil:
Fish is very high in Omega-3s which are beneficial to your brain health as well as many other parts of your body, as well as accelerating the healing process after your workout. You can take it as a supplement easily. Cod Liver Oil is a really good one. Make sure it’s high quality.
Curcumin is really beneficial on your body. Curcumin, otherwise known as turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb. I absolutely love it. I personally recommend taking it with black pepper mixed in. It doesn’t affect the taste too much, and a little bit of black pepper in the mix, makes the turmeric’s properties mutliply by one thousand percent! It’s so beneficial I highly recommend it!
Magnesium is beneficial for so many parts of the body that I would always recommend it for almost anything. Magnesium is good for brain health, increases melatonin at night so that you can have better sleep, and is good for after a workout. I definitely recomend it!
CBD is good for so many things, but it can also be used for after a workout. You can take it in a salve and rub it on your muscles after the workout, or take it internally with a dropper or a capsule. However, I recommend you talk to someone first who can help you determine what kind would work best for you before you start taking it. You don’t want to take too much, or not take enough.
Alkaline Water:
Alkaline water is used for post workouts as well. My father actually sells the machines that make it. He enjoys it after a workout and has said that he feels less muscle pain after a workout since he started taking it. I also, drink Alkaline Water on a regular basis. If you are interested in all of the benefits that it offers, and would be interested in looking into one of these machines for yourself; here is the website link for you: https://www.tyentusa.com/tyent-videos/all/?vid_id=tyent-ionized-aw
Sore Muscle Relief Salve:
My mother makes this salve for after the family workouts when you really need something to put on your sore muscles. You can find it here on her website: https://littlefarminthebigwoods.com/lotion-product-info-.html
St. John’s Wort: Used for sun burns, sore muscles, nerve pains, and burns, as well many other things. It has many uses, St. John’s Wort is an herb with many remedies.
Black Cohosh: Used for menopause and women’s health, as well as for sore and tense muscles.
Kava: Helps with Relaxation and sleep, Pain, is an Aphrodisiac, and is Anti-Fungal.
Essential Oils:
Lavender, Peppermint, Black Pepper Oil, Eucalyptus, and Rose.
Well, there you have it! Another blog post to give you some new ideas to help with your workouts! I hope that you found this beneficial, and that you will find some use for these tips and tricks in here. Now, you don’t have to use all of these, just decide what you’d like to try and then try something else if you’d like. I hope that you’ll get plenty of use out of this, and I will see you next week. Have a wonderful day