Today, we are going to talk about boosting your energy levels. How can you be a SuperHuman if you don’t have SuperHuman energy? Well, today, we’re going to get into that. Before we get into tips to boost your energy, we’re going to discuss what negatively affects your energy.
There are a lot things that have an impact on your energy levels. And I don’t just mean not sleeping or overworking your body. Life can destroy your energy levels. Your mood plays with your energy as well. It goes hand in hand. If you’re feeling sad, or beat, or depressed, or stressed out, you’re not going to have good energy levels. However, have you noticed that when you’re with a friend or doing something you love, your energy levels are much better? Being cheerful plays a big part in your energy. Happiness is key to good energy.
Stress will destroy your energy. It just sucks the life out of you, and makes you feel horrible, and sometimes sick. Trauma does the same thing. If your relationships aren’t successful or fulfilling, then you will feel depressed, and have low energy. And I don’t just mean relationships with your significant other. I mean relationships with your family, business partners, coworkers, people you meet, and other relationships in your life. A lack of purpose is a big one that will just destroy your energy. Purpose is what gets us going. What gets us out of bed in the mornings. Without purpose, we’re just dragging in life. You want to find what your purpose in life is. What drives you and motivates you. What makes you excited and happy. What it is that gives you energy.
Now we’ll cover some nutritional and natural remedies tips to help boost energy as well. We’ll start with nutrition.
For Nutrition, I have a list of remedies and tips that I use when I need an energy boost throughout the day. First up, you may have heard me talk about it in other blog posts, we have Chia Seeds. These are powerful as antioxidants, they are an incredible source of fiber, are really good at boosting your energy, and are amazing for brain health. Cacoa Powder contains caffeine so it boosts your energy, and as it is chocolate, releases endorphines and serotonin in your brain that make you happy. Just another reason to love high quality dark chocolate, am I right?
Maca Powder is a natural energy boost, and has so many other health benefits it would be a very long list to discuss it here. Coffee, I really don’t need to go too much into this one, obviously has caffeine in it, and is a go to to make people happy and energized. I personally recommend trying Cold Brew Decaf coffee to lessen the caffeine charge, you don’t want your adrenaline levels up too high. That could damage your body. Green Tea contains caffeine, and is popular for people who don’t drink coffee. Or, you’re a weird kind of person, (like me) who enjoys both tea and coffee. I know, right? Don’t tell anyone…
Oranges are really good at giving you an energy boost, just have one when you’re feeling sluggish, and it’ll help wake you up. Honey is also beneficial. Don’t go overboard with this tip though. Honey, while it does have many health and medicinal benefits, does still contain sugar. And you don’t want to get back into the habit of overdoing on sugar. Peppermint is probably one of my favorite go to remedies for fatigue. Peppermint is amazing at boosting your energy levels, and is good for your brain health. Protein is also really good for you energy levels. If you’re not consuming enough protein in your meals, your energy levels will drop.
You can even make yourself a homeade mocha, using coffee, raw cacoa powder, maca powder, honey, and milk. Cinnamon would also make a nice touch. Add Peppermint to make a Peppermint Mocha, again, another favorite of mine. Heat it or blend it with ice to enjoy either hot or cold. I do this when I need a pick me up, and I love it!
Exercise is so beneficial for your body. A regular exercise routine will boost your energy levels and make you more athletic and acrobatic to do things that you weren’t capable of doing before. And did I mention it woud boost your energy levels? It will also improve your mood. Exercise releases dopamine in your body, which makes you happy, and it pumps the adrenaline throughout your body, which makes you more energized. I’ll give you an example. This morning, I was having a tough morning, and didn’t really feel motivated to go do my workout. I felt sluggish and depressed, but I knew a workout would help, so I pushed through and did it anyway, and felt amazing once I started moving. Exercise is a powerful thing. It is by far, the most powerful antidepressant out there I would say.
There are so many herbs that are good for boosting your energy levels. But I’ll list just a few here for you for the sake of limited resources to get them. But these are by far the best ones and my go to.
Peppermint is, again, definitely amazing for this. Spearmint is also great. Turmeric is good for energy as well as being an anti-inflammatory. Codonopsis, Astragalus, and Ashwaganda are awesome for boosting your energy levels as well. Try making teas with these, or, I like to put the non minty ones, in my protein smoothie in the morning.
Essential Oils:
Have I mentioned how much I love Essential Oils? For energy boosting, there is; (of course) Peppermint, Sandalwood, Bitter Orange, Grapefruit, Rhodiola Rosca, Tea Tree, Lemon, and Bergamot. These are all really good for boosting your energy. Bergamot, Lemon, Lavender, and Neroli are really good for boosting your mood, which will in turn, help boost your energy.
Well, there you have it, you’ve reached the end of this week’s blog post. I hope that you found this beneficial, and I would love to hear about any of the tips that you tried and liked. If you have any requests for an upcoming blog post, feel free to email me at superhumanrevolution@icloud.com. I love to hear from people about what they think.
For now, keep eating right, keep exercising, and stay cheerful. I’ll see you next week!