Today we’re going to talk about boosting your immune system. We already know that the pandemic known as Covid-19 is similar in nature to the cold or flu. As it is that season coming up anyway, I thought it would be suiting to post on preventative measures that can be taken to fight off the cold and flu, and other respiratory illness that are going around. In this blog post, you’ll find three tips on different strategies for fighting off illnesses. Each section will be more in depth, but I’ll give you bullet points on what works, and why. Alright, ready to get your hands dirty?
There are a bunch of different herbs that help with these illnesses. And we’ll go into them here.
1. Astragalus
Astragalus is an immunomodulator, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, adaptogen, and diuretic. It is used extensively for its effect on the immune system. It is also used for common respiratory illnesses, inhibit tumor growth, and bolster immune system activation. You can put it in a tea bag with other herbs and let it steep. Then just drink the tea. Voila, you get the benefit! Aren’t herbs cool?
2. Echinacea
I’m sure you’ve heard of this one. Echinacea is a beautiful purple flower that you can see growing in a garden or in the wild. Echinacea is an immunodulator, sialagogue, modulates inflammation, antimicrobial, vulnerary, lymphagogue, alterative, anti-pyretic, and a circulatory stimulant. It is most commonly used to ward off colds or the flu.
3. Elderberry
Elderberry is antiviral, immunomodulating, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. They are most commly used for their ability to prevent upper respiratory infections, and shortens the duration of a cold or influenza. My personal favorite way to use elderberries, is to make an elderberry syrup. Then you get the benefit of both the elderberries, and the honey. I take a spoonful of the syrup before leaving the house, and if I come into contact with someone that’s sick, it’s the first thing I take when I get back home. I also take it when I’m sick, even more frequently. You’re just pumping your body full of the necessary medicine to fight it off faster.
4. Honey
Raw Honey has beneficial enzymes, small amounts of propolis, pollen, and beeswax, which all help your immune system. A huge immunity boost can be done through garlic infused honey. Mix up some diced garlic cloves into honey, let it sit in a cool dark place for a few days, then take a spoonful. I will warn you though, it’s not going to taste great. But, if it keeps you from getting sick, then that makes it worth it right? I personally prefer elderberry syrup. But, that’s me.
5. Garlic
Garlic is a circulatory stimulant, alterative, stimulating diaphoretic, stimulating expectorant, antimicrobial, carminative, immune modulating, vermifuge. Whether you want to prevent sickness, or already have the cold or flu, eating garlic daily will help. It can shorten the duration of illness, and is incredible for your respiratory system. Make garlic a part of your day. You can add it to a lot of things. If you’re worried about bad breath, throw in some parsley. It works great, and then you still get all the benefits from the garlic. Or instead of worrying about vampires, garlic breath will help social distancing.
Organic, grass fed, whole food, and high-fiber diets are important for boosting gut health and your immune system. You want to make sure that you’re eating plenty of seaweed, spinach, nuts and seeds, (mainly chia, sunflower, flax, pistachio) crustaceans, (lobster, shrimp, and crab) wild game, (elk rabbit, lean beef, goat, wild boar) chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans & lentils. And of course consuming plenty of produce.
Probiotics and Prebiotics are beneficial too. Fermented foods are very beneficial for your immune system. Look for kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kimchi.
What’s really good for fighting off the cold and flu, is Vitamin C. You want to have plenty of citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and other fruits that are high in Vitamin C. This will maximize the benefit of your immune system response.
Essential Oils:
Essential Oils are amazing. I love them. For boosting immune health, the best ones are; Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cinnamon, Thyme, Copaiba, Douglas Fir, Juniper Berry, Lemongrass, Wild Orange, Frankincense, Petigrain, Sandalwood, and Tangerine, are all beneficial.
Mix and match, choose what you’d like to try as a blend and see how it benefits you. You can make a roll on, put it in a diffuser, put a few drops in your shower, or even just breathe in the oils. Though I think diffuser or roll on are probably the best options, it’s based off of personal preference. Only ever use essential oils diluted, never use NEAT. You can develop senitivities and possibly harm your skin if you don’t dilute them.
1. Lavender has many benefits. It promotes wound healing, has a neuroprotective effect, relieves stress and anxiety, helps with respiratory diseases, promotes sleep, anti-bacterial properties, fights acne, hair care, relieves pain, can be used as a bug repellent, stimulates urine flow, improves blood circulation, aids in digestion, and helps against eczema.
2. Lemon essential oil is used for skin care, relieves stress, boosts the immune system, keeps asthma under control, treats stomach disorders, and helps with weight loss.
3. Peppermint. Quite possibly one of my favorite essential oils. I use it for almost anything. Needless to say, this one has lots of uses. It reduces Muscle and Joint Pain, Prevents sinus problems, suppresses appetite, boosts energy, prevents allergy, helps with ADHD, Anti-itch, reduces fever, used in skin care, clears acne, relieves headache, promotes hair growth, can be used in dental and oral care, reduces nausea, alleviates respiratory problems, relieves irritable bowel syndrome, relief from colic, prevents PCOS, (polycystic ovary syndrome) improves digestion, reduces stress, relieves spasms, prevents Urinary Tract Infection, Boosts Immunity, Improves Blood Circulation, Prevents Herpes, and here’s one you’ll love, is said to repell spiders.
4. Tea Tree is probably my favorite oil for skin care, acne control, and hair care, and is also used for ear infection treatment, antibacterial properties, uptake of nutrients, speeds up healing, has antimicrobial properties, antiviral properties, expectorant, is an insecticide, antiseptic, stimulant, sudoric, increased hygiene, funcide, amd can provide relief from muscular pains, aches, and sprains.
5. Oregano has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents infections, has antifuncal properties, antiviral properties, antiparasitic properties, improves gut health, anticancer potential, regulates menses, anti-allergen, promotes digestion, and treats respiratory condition.
6. Eucalyptus provides relief from cold and flu, is a hair lice remedy, is used for hair care, has anti-inflammatory effects against asthma, heals wounds, removes mental exhaustion, relieves muscle pain, relieves joint pain, is used in dental care, removes intestinal germs, reduces fever, heals sinus and allergies, antibacterial properties, boosts the immune system, and prevents funcal infections.
7. Clove is used for acne, heals candida infections, is used for dental care, relieves teething pain, boosts sex drives, has antimicrobial properties, antibacterial properties, boosts immune system, high antioxidant content, increases blood circulation, prevents ulcers, anti-inflammatory properties, boost heart health, provides pain relief, and helps control diabetes.
8. Cinnamon boosts brain function, acts as a blood purifier, improves blood circulation, relieves pain, controls diabetes, treats infectons, speeds up healing, prevents heart disease, anticancer potential, removes bad breath, aids in digestion heals respiratory problems, eases menstruation, birth control, promotes lactation, and acts as a diuretic.
9. Thyme increases circulation, boosts the immune system, is used in skin care, is an antispasmodic, anirheimetic, kills bacteria, protects heart health, carminative, stimulates urination, emmenagogue, expectorant, regulates blood pressure, stimulant, boosts energy, detoxifies the body, and relieves anxiety.
10. Copaiba reduces pain, is used in skin care, reduces scars, relieves congestion, prevents infections, improves mood, is diuretic, prevents funcal infections, lowers blood pressure, and is used in oral care.
11. Douglas Fir reduces cellulite, promotes mental health, clears your sinuses, soothes exhausted nerves, aid commmunication and acts as an effective pain kiler. It is also used for the respiratory system, helping people with asthma, catarrh, anxiety, theumatism, nervous tonic, sores, and wounds.
12. Juniper Berry prevents sepsis, fights arthritis, relieves cramps, acts as an astringent, is a carminitive agent, purifies the blood, promotes urination, is a rubefacient, promotes sweating, acts as a stimulant, treats stomach issues, and is considered a tonic.
13. Lemongrass relieves pain, reduces depression, inhibits microbial growth, lowers fever, heals wounds, has astringent properties, can be used as a deodorant, battles infections, promotes lactation, treats nervous disorders, and has a sedative effect.
14. Wild Orange treats spasms, sedative effect, aphrodisiac properties, relieves inflammation, acts as a cholagogue, prevents infections, relieves depression, stimulates urination, acts as atonic, has carminitve properties, improves cognitive function, has insecticidal properties, and boosts immunity.
15. Frankincense has antimicrobial properties, improves oral health, has an astringent property, regulates menstruation, reduces scars,aids digestion, reduces respiratory issues, relieves stress, keeps the uterus healthy, speeds up healing, and has been scientifically proven to have anticancer properties.
16. Petigrain prevents sepsis, is an antispasmodic, reduces anxiety, is used in deodorants, is a nervine tonic, and treats insomnia.
17. Sandalwood is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrizant, diueretic, disinfectant, skin care, treats coughs, antiphlogistic, lowers blood pressure, memory booster, and has a sedative effect.
18. Tangerine prevents sepsis, acts as cytophylactic, purifies blood, soothes inflammation, boosts digestion, relieves spasms, and acts as a tonic.
Plexus is a company that I buy products from. They have incredible benefits on your entire body, including boosting the immune system, so I thought I should put that here.
It boosts energy, promotes the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which boosts overall health, is a clinically studied XOS prebiotic, supports healthy glucose metabolism. (My diabetic or prediabetic people, this will help you!) Helps support cardiovascular health, Helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels, Supports hydration, clinically demonstrated to help you lose weight, and increases the metabolism enhancing Akkermansia microbes up to two hundred and fifty times.
It has so many benefits, and my whole family takes it. I recommend you try it. My mom has had really bad arthritis her whole life, and since taking this, has been able to do so many things that she was not able to do before, and her energy has skyrocketed! I want to share all of the benefits of the lifestyle that I have, and I want others to feel as amazing as I do! Here’s the link for the plexus information if you’d like to check it out. Text, call, or email me if you have any questions, and I would be more than happy to help you out!