Today’s topic is autoimmunity. I know so many people have this problem, and that it is growing more and more common everyday. We will discuss what causes autoimmunity, and how you can help it. Buckle up!
Autoimmunity is a more common problem now. It is a form of inflammation that is very damaging to your entire system. Some people are affected more specificically in different areas of the body. Everyone is different, just like each treatment for it will be different. But we’ll go over that. To start, let’s discuss why people get autoimmune disordcrs.
There are many causes, but the condition worsens through what we eat. The food that contains chemicals, the pesticides, the food dyes, the food preservatives, how the food is processed, and how the food is taken from the farm. This can be a huge part of autoimmunity.
Grains play a huge part in this too. We are consuming far too much grain every day, and it is taking its’ toll. The food pyramid prioritizes grain as the most important nutrient that you need to eat, but this isn’t right. We are not meant to eat so much grain. If you look throughout history, people didn’t eat as many bread products then as we do now. And, even more to the point, it was found at one point that overdoing on grains actually led to schizophrenia. And this is still the case.
Aside from increasing our intake of grains substantially, we are also dealing with higher amounts of gluten in the food now as well. Both of these have been shown to cause brain problems as well. It an lead to schizophrenia and other neurological disorders, brain disorders, neuropathies, and can contribute to dementia and Alzheimer’s. It has also been shown to lead to leaky gut as well, which is the biggest cause of inflammation. Most forms of arthritis can be traced to autoimmune conditions.
You see, your gut has five thin layers protecting it from the rest of your body. What causes leaky gut, is when you eat a high amount of grains and gluten, chemicals, food dyes, and added hormones, it causes a tear in your gut. This is leaky gut. Why it’s “leaky” is because the food you eat, leaks out into your bloodstream. There, your blood cells will attack the “unknown enemies” that are now in a place that they don’t belong. What causes the inflammation, is when that food can look something like different body parts. It could look like your liver, or your kidneys, different organs in your body. Your blood cells then get into the habit of trying to destroy that “bad bacteria” and will start attacking your own organs as a result. This causes inflammation in your body. And it can happen anywhere in your body. This is a vicious cycle, and can badly damage your body. But, it can be rectified.
How do you fix leaky gut and help with your autoimmunity? Step number one: Eliminate the grains that you consume. I know this will be difficult, I know I struggled when I switched over to a grain free diet. It felt like everything had grain in it. But, as long as you can switch to completely gluten free, and try to only have high quality grains like einkorn or organic corn, then you’ll be well on your way. You just have to figure out how to cook with coconut and almond flour. It’s a little different, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it. And you can still make all kinds of fun treats with those.
Try eating higher fat diets. Your brain is seventy percent fat, so you need to make sure that you’re consuming a higher amount of it. But only eat the high quality fats, like cocounut oil, avocados, and high quality animal fats. These will also help. Try lowering the amount of carbohydrates that you consume. Perhaps, even try going keto for awhile. It will be beneficial to your body, and to your systems. But make sure you discuss it with your doctor or dietician before you make any big changes like that.
Exercise also is beneficial for anyone who has autoimmune disorders. It will greatly help with fixing your body. Try to engage in physical activity regularly. Go for a nice walk a few times a week if you can, do strength training and cardio in alternating days several times a week, and you’ll start feeling so much better.
Plexus also is beneficial for autoimmune conditions. It’s products concentrate on healing your gut microbiome, which will help with the autoimmunity. They have plenty of products that you can choose from, and they’re easy to take, as well as tasting good. I take the products myself, and I’ve felt amazing. My mother, has had autoimmune problems since she was eleven years old. Since she has eliminated grain, eaten a higher quality diet, engaged in exercise regularly, and even added the Plexus products to her life, she had been doing so much more and in so much less pain than she has been in most of her life. Now, the Plexus products are not crucial to fixing autoimmunity, but I personally recommend them. I’ll explain why. My mother followed everything else that I’ve listed, and she was doing so well. But then she finally decided to try Plexus after ages of researching it. I didn’t thihnk that she could do much better than she was doing, my mother is an amazing woman who is capable of so much. But after trying Plexus, it healed her even more to where she was able to do even more in a single day then she had before, and she had more energy than I’d seen before too. Now I recommend it to people because I have seen it work spectacularly. If you have interest in trying these products for yourself, the link to the website is right here: mysite.plexusworldwide.com/SuperhumanRevolution
Then, there are of course, herbs for this as well. You can use yarrow, yucca, chlorella, spirulina, green tea, chamomile, turmeric (add black pepper to make it have a stronger effect), celery seed, borage oil, evening primrose oil, ginger, rosemary, cayenne, ashwagandha, catnip, and garlic. These will all be beneficial in fighting the inflammation, and restoring your gut. They will also help with the pain a little too.
The Essential Oils that I will recommend to you would be fir needle, birch, eucalyptus, lavender, ginger, roman chamomile, geranium, junjiper berry, and clary sage. These will also help with the autoimmune disorders.
So, that’s this week’s blog post. I hope that this was beneficial to you, and I hope that you will find some information in here that will help you feel better, and beat your autoimmunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, I would love to hear from you. Have a good week, and Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you.