Elizabeth Parrish

Elizabeth Parrish

Snuggle & Sweat

     This is about fifteen minutes of total body Mom & Baby fun! If you need to modify some of these exercises for the safety of your little ones, than do so. These exercises are designed to give your…

Leg Power

I hope your legs are ready for all of this work, because it’s gonna be fun! 10 squats 10 forward lunges 10 sumo squats 10 goblet squats 10 reverse lunges 10 lateral lunges + high knee (right) 10 lateral lunges…

Glute Builder

     It’s leg day! And you’re going to burn! This is bodyweight work, so you will not need weights. Feel free to grab weights if you want an extra challenge. This workout can also be done as a Mom…

Embrace The Burn

    This is a half an hour workout, total body with your little smart bell. I recommend your little one be able to hold up their own head for portions of this workout, otherwise, you can modify to ensure…